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Diploma in Linguistics


Course Instructors:

  • Farwa Qazalbash

  • Lubna Zahid

  • Iram Shakoor

  • Mariam Zahid

  • Shakeel Amjad


Linguistics is the systematic study of elements and the principles of their combination, and organization in language. The Institute of English Studies offers a Diploma in Linguistics to promote the understanding of concepts and techniques of linguistic analysis and the ways in which language is used. It covers all modern linguistic movements.


This one-year Diploma is a fully instructional evening programme with classes held thrice a week from 3-5 p.m. in the Institute of English Studies. Students are encouraged to participate in workshops and group-study projects. The most notable addition is a course on ear training and performance. There is a practical examination in general linguistics. 

Modules offered:

1. Fundamentals of Linguistics

2. Syntax & Morphology

3. Semantics & Lexicography

4. Interdisciplinary Area in Linguistics

5. Modern Movements in Linguistics

6. Phonetics & Phonology

7. Ear Training

8. Pragmatics

9. Stylistics

Created by the Digital Humanities Class of 2022

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